Ansys AVxcelerate Headlamp

Vehicle Headlight Simulation Software

The AVxcelerate Headlamp solution enables optical engineers to test drive the headlamp design, combined with its control software, in a virtual environment that replicates the physical world, thanks to optical properties and real-time, physics-based optical simulation.

Test Lighting Systems in a Controlled Environment

AVxcelerate Headlamp accelerates the development of intelligent headlamps by validating control law behavior and testing potential edge cases early in design. Easily assess innovative and smart light beams with real-time optical simulation in a virtual driving environment. Increase your final product quality and strongly reduce the risk of finding issues late in the development process.

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Ansys + Continental

To achieve the high level of accuracy advanced driver assistance systems/ autonomous driving (ADAS/AD) technology requires, Continental must specifically target its camera sensors for simulation. Currently Continental engineers do real-world driving on test tracks or roads to train, test, and validate ADAS or AD systems. They also do component-level testing and simulation; however, there are only limited engineering simulation solutions available to tackle this problem. Even though the effort to develop a well-rounded solution is ongoing, the collaboration between Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors and Continental camera sensor solutions is delivering promising results.

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